Barbara Bush

I received this book from KK’s Grandad. When Kk and I started dating his Nana got really sick and passed. I, unfortunately, never had the chance to meet this amazing woman who impacted his family in so many ways. We were visiting Grandad one night and he pulled out this book for me to read. He said that Nana had started it, but wasn’t able to get past the first few pages due to her dimensia. I’m just bummed that he cut out the inscription he wrote to her on the inside cover!

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I picked up Churchill: Taken from the Diaries of Lord Moran at Books Between Friends. I had just read Paris 1919, and although he didn’t have a huge role in the Treaty of Versailles, it did paint him in an extremely charismatic and influential light. It also laid the foundation leading up to the start of his reign as Prime Minister. I was intrigued to read more about Churchill through the eyes of someone closest to him as his writings on himself are typically quite egocentric. Continue reading

The Diary of a Young Girl

I found Anne Frank’s Diary at The Haunted Bookshop in Sidney, BC. My friends and I were wandering around main street, and, of course, I stopped in this bookstore. I haven’t read the Diary of Anne Frank, but it’s been one of those must-reads on my list for years. I found the Modern Library version with an introduction by Eleanor Roosevelt, and knew I had to have it for my collection.  Continue reading

The Lewis & Clarke Journals

I came across this book when I took a random road trip to Montana. I ended up stopping in at the the Lewis and Clarke National Historic Trail Interpretive Centre, and grabbed the journals on the way out. To be honest, growing up in Canada, I hadn’t heard about the exploration of Lewis and Clarke when I came across this interpretive centre, so, naturally, I needed to read up on it!  Continue reading